Quick Cures For Motion Sickness

Car-sick, sea-sick or air-sick the symptoms of motion sickness are typically light-headedness, pallor, sweating, queasiness, then nausea and vomiting. When you first feel queasy try the following hints for relief.

Sit still

Sitting still with your head tilted back stabilizes your head and minimizes the disorientation that seems to cause motion sickness.

Stare at a fixed object

Stare at a fixed object, or fix your gaze 45 degrees above the horizon. If you're on an airplane try closing your eyes.

Take ginger

Powdered ginger tablets can be found in health food shops and may be effective in preventing motion sickness.

Take two 450-milligram tablets about 10 minutes before your flight or cruise etc., and two more later if you start to feel queasy.

Try a "scop patch"

You could try wearing a "scop patch" which contains transdermal scopalamine.

Scopalamine is slowly absorbed through the skin from a patch worn behind the ear and prevents motion-induced nausea.

It is also less likely to make you feel drowsy than over-the-counter motion sickness drugs.

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