Quick Cures For Menstrual Discomfort

Menstrual or premenstrual discomfort begins on Day 1 of your cycle with the onset of your period. Some women suffer from water retention, breast tenderness, and gas. Others tire easily and crave sweets. Some are troubled by anxiety and irritability and are prone to bad cramps.

Quick Cures For Menopause

Going through the change can be a pain, literally, as you succumb to headaches, night sweats, hot flushes and irritability.

Quick Cures For Leg Cramps

Sudden, exaggerated, unprovoked leg cramps are common for people in general and those on certain medications. Here are some suggestions to find relief.

Quick Cures For Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Many doctors believe Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is caused by today’s high-paced, stressful lifestyles, however there are things you can do to relieve the cramps, bloating, nausea, and alternating bouts of diarrhoea and constipation that accompany IBS.

Quick Cures For Insomnia

Temporary insomnia, when you want to sleep, but you can’t, can be caused by stress or excitement and usually lasts from several days to a few weeks. If it persists or becomes chronic you should consult a doctor.

Quick Cures For Hiccups

Hiccupping is a complex, spontaneous action involving the diaphragm, abdominal muscles, intercostal muscles, major nerve pathways and the brain. To rid yourself of hiccups try the following.

Quick Cures For Haemorrhoids

Haemorrhoids are rectal veins that occur internally in your rectum or externally on the skin around your anus. The following help provide relief from haemorrhoid pain.

Quick Cures For Heartburn

In people with reflux, and its accompanying symptom of heartburn, the muscle used to seal off the stomach either relaxes before it’s supposed to or is weak, leading to acid rising into the throat area. Chronic heartburn can be dangerous and needs a doctors care, however when heartburn and reflux are temporary or mild there are several ways to deal with it.

Quick Cures For Headaches

The two most common types of headaches are tension and vascular. Tension headaches affect about 90 percent of us and vascular headaches (such as migraines) are less common. Headaches vary for each individual so relief will depend on the symptoms and causes of the headache.